Launchpad | On Website |
Al ATS Now | Buy Here |
Toplam Arz Miktar | 100,000,000.00 |
Satılık Tokenlar | 20,000,000.00 |
Arzın %’si | 20.00% |
Aşama | Privatesale |
Bağış Toplama Hedefi | 2,000,000 |
ATS ICO Fiyat | 0.1 USDT |
1 USDT | 10.0000 |
Soft Cap | TBA |
Hard Cap | TBA |
Kişisel Cap | TBA |
ATS Proje Kategori | Blockchain |
ATS Sözleşme Adresi | Binance-Smart-Chain |
Beyaz Bülten | Alltoscan Beyaz Bülten |
Web Sitesi | Alltoscan Website |
Sosyal Medya |
About Alltoscan | Initial Coin Offering
Alltoscan Entire decentralized infrastructure transition is the next Web3 breakthrough. By building a decentralized infrastructure environment and marketplace powered by the ATS token, Alltoscan is bringing that vision to reality. For latest crypto ICO