Launchpad | On Website |
Al CSC Now | Buy Here |
Toplam Arz Miktar | 250,000,000.00 |
Satılık Tokenlar | 125,000,000.00 |
Arzın %’si | 50.00% |
Aşama | Privatesale |
Bağış Toplama Hedefi | 4,125,000 |
CSC ICO Fiyat | 0.033 USDT |
1 USDT | 30.3030 |
Soft Cap | TBA |
Hard Cap | TBA |
Kişisel Cap | TBA |
CSC Proje Kategori | Blockchain |
CSC Sözleşme Adresi | Arbitrum |
Beyaz Bülten | CryptoScanCoin Beyaz Bülten |
Web Sitesi | CryptoScanCoin Website |
Sosyal Medya |
About CryptoScanCoin | Upcoming ICO
CryptoScan is a cutting-edge, real-time cryptocurrency analyzer service that uses Blockchain technologies and artificial intelligence algorithms to detect and prevent cryptocurrency scams. With the Premium and Enterprise Plans, in addition to the generally available basic services of the Standard Plan, extra features are offered for CryptoScanCoin (CSC) holders, in favor of crypto investors, token issuers, and developers. For Latest Crypto ICO
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