DAO maker offers new Maradona licensed NFT for the launch

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  • NFT
04-14-2022 Pankaj Gupta
DAO maker offers new Maradona licensed NFT for the launch

As the adoption of NFTs grows, new and new collections keep 

Appearing now and then. However, only a few of them are actually capable of holding the tag “unique”, and the Maradona D10S collection is one of them.

In a press release, IDO (Initial DEX Offering) and IGO (Initial Game Offering)launchpad DAO Maker announced their venture into the NFT space, with the first offering being Maradona’s 5000 art profile pictures NFT collection –Maradona D10S. Diego Maradona is regarded as one of the best players in the history of football. In fact, he, along with Pele, were the only recipients of the one-time-only award of ‘FIFA Player of the 20th Century’.

Thus, it is a no-brainer to understand that this NFT collection is not only extremely valuable but also truly one of a kind since they are also the only official Maratona licensed NFTs.

The project has the support of all five heirs of the football legend, and given DAOMaker’s prominence in the launchpad space, they chose the platform to launch the collection.

DAO Maker will be launching the NFTs as a commemoration of the upcoming FIFA 2022 Qatar World Cup.

This will be a big deal for the football community, and built on the Ethereum blockchain will also grab the attention of millions of crypto and NFT enthusiasts.

This will also establish DAO Maker’s presence in the NFT community as the platform's across-chain capabilities enable any budding artist to launch their NFTs on any blockchain through DAO Maker while also gaining exposure to the hundreds of thousands of DAO Maker users. Being one of the easiest and most accessible methods of reaching an entire community of people, NFTs have become a go-to for brands, companies, and celebrities for marketing. 

from Starbucks announcing their NFT plans to Ice Cube’s basketball leagueBIG3 offering team ownership as NFTs and even the likes of KFC, PizzaHut, and Taco Bell planning their NFT ventures, it doesn’t look like NFTs are going to stop growing anytime soon.


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