The Hunt for OneCoin’s Founder: US State Dept Offers $5M Reward

Key Takeaways
  • U.S. offers $5 million for OneCoin founder Ruja Ignatova’s capture.
  • Ignatova faces charges internationally for a $4 billion crypto scam.
  • OneCoin collapse impacts global investors, revealing risks in unregulated cryptocurrencies.
The Hunt for OneCoin

U.S. State Department Offers $5M Reward for OneCoin Founder

In a major step, the United States Department of State has intensified its search for Ruja Ignatova, the founder of the fraudulent cryptocurrency OneCoin. Ignatova, known as the 'Cryptoqueen,' faces charges for fraud and money laundering, accused of scamming investors out of around $4 billion through OneCoin.

What is News?

The news highlights the U.S. government's escalated efforts to apprehend Ruja Ignatova, the mastermind behind the OneCoin cryptocurrency scam. With a $5 million reward now on offer, authorities aim to bring Ignatova to justice for defrauding investors of billions worldwide. The case underscores the global impact of financial fraud and the importance of international cooperation in combating such crimes.

The Bounty Increases

Recently, the State Department announced a $5 million reward for any information leading to Ignatova's capture and conviction. This significant increase shows how serious the charges are and the global effort to bring her to justice. Ignatova has been on the run since 2017, last seen in Athens.

Legal Battles and International Efforts

Ignatova faces charges not only in the United States but also in Bulgaria, her home country. Bulgarian authorities plan to charge her in absentia, showing international cooperation in holding her responsible for the financial crimes linked to OneCoin.

The OneCoin Scheme Revealed

Starting in 2014, OneCoin became infamous for deceiving investors worldwide with false promises of high returns. The scheme unraveled in 2015, leading to legal action against Ignatova’s associates and family members. Her brother, Konstantin Ignatov, admitted guilt for his involvement and served time in prison.

Challenges in Capture

Despite previous rewards and efforts by the FBI, including an earlier reward of $250,000, Ignatova has managed to evade arrest, reportedly altering her appearance. Her case highlights the difficulties in catching individuals involved in global financial crimes, especially those with means to evade law enforcement.

Global Impact and Investor Losses

The fallout from OneCoin's collapse continues to affect investors worldwide, who collectively lost billions. This case underscores the risks of unregulated financial schemes and the need for strong oversight in the cryptocurrency sector.


The State Department's increased reward for information on Ignatova marks a crucial development in the ongoing saga of OneCoin. As legal proceedings progress and international cooperation strengthens, the search for Ignatova shows the challenges in prosecuting financial crimes across borders and the commitment to seeking justice for victims of fraud.

In summary, the pursuit of Ruja Ignatova highlights the global effort to hold accountable those responsible for large-scale financial fraud, emphasizing the importance of international collaboration and regulatory oversight in safeguarding investors from similar scams in the future.

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