Telegram Policy Shift to Curb Online frauds: Data to be shared

2 hours ago By: Akansha Sahu
Telegram Policy Shif

Telegram Policy Shift: User Data will be Shared with Authorities

On September 23, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov announced a significant update to the app's privacy policy, revealing that Telegram will begin sharing user data, such as IP addresses and phone numbers, with authorities in response to valid legal requests. This policy change has raised alarm among users who prioritize privacy, as it appears to contradict Telegram’s reputation as a privacy-focused platform.

Telegram Policy: Privacy Concerns and Expert Opinions

Anndy Lian, a well-known blockchain expert, expressed concern about the implications of Telegram's new policy. He highlighted the tension between regulatory compliance and user privacy. According to Lian, this shift could encourage other privacy-oriented platforms to follow suit, potentially eroding the privacy standards that many users expect. The change is seen as a significant deviation from Telegram's original principles, which valued user privacy above all.

Telegram Policy: The Purpose of Update

Despite the concerns, Telegram’s new policy is largely aimed at addressing illegal activities on its platform. Durov emphasized that the update was necessary to curb criminal behavior, particularly regarding the misuse of Telegram Search for promoting illegal goods and services. The app has also implemented artificial intelligence and human moderation to eliminate problematic content. Durov stressed that these measures are designed to protect the platform's integrity and ensure that users can safely use Telegram to connect with friends and stay informed. Telegram is shifting policies as the app could be banned in different countries.

Telegram Position Among Messaging Apps

As of April 2024, Telegram is the fourth most popular messaging app globally, with over 900 million monthly active users. Despite its reputation for privacy, Telegram is now aligning more closely with the practices of other major platforms like WhatsApp and Meta’s Messenger, both of which already share user data with authorities in certain circumstances. These services have been complying with legal requests for years, demonstrating a broader industry trend toward balancing privacy and regulatory compliance.

Also Read: TON Blockchain Projects Thrive with Telegram Mini Apps

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