Justin Sun Introduces Transparent SunPump Buyback Process

Key Takeaways
  • Justin Sun announces SunPump's shift from LP token burning to a 100% onchain buyback and burn process.
  • The SunPump community's decision to adopt onchain buyback reflects the challenges of LP token burning and the need for a more straightforward, verifiable method.
  • The onchain buyback and burn process records all transactions on the blockchain, ensuring transparency.
09-04-2024 By: Shubham Sahu
Justin Sun Introduce

SunPump's New Transparent Onchain Buyback Revealed

Justin Sun, the founder of Tron, has revealed a substantial shift in strategy for the SunPump meme coin. The community has decided to replace the complex process of LP (Liquidity Provider) token burning with a 100% onchain buyback and burn process. This change, effective from September 3, aims to simplify the mechanism and ensure complete transparency. 

Sun revealed that the decision was driven by the community's difficulty in understanding LP token burning, which could lead to potential misunderstandings. The onchain buyback and burn process is expected to be more straightforward, making it easier for everyone to verify transactions.

SunPump Chooses Transparency and Simplicity

Initially, the SunPump community considered following in the footsteps of other meme coins like Shiba Inu by adopting LP token burning. This method, though beneficial in increasing token liquidity depth and aligning with regulatory expectations, was deemed too complex for many community members. 

Recognizing these challenges, Sun proposed the shift to an onchain buyback and burn process. This new approach records all transactions on the blockchain, providing a transparent and verifiable method that addresses the previous challenges of LP token burning.

This move is part of a broader strategy by SunPump to dominate the market. On August 21, SunPump outperformed its Solana-based predecessor, Pump.fun, in both daily revenue and activity. SunPump launched 7,351 tokens and generated $585,000 in revenue, compared to Pump.fun’s 6,701 tokens and $366,000 in revenue. The new onchain buyback and burn process is now a core component of SunPump’s strategy, reflecting the community’s preference for transparency and straightforward processes.

In a parallel development, Justin Sun has also announced plans to burn 100% of the revenue generated from SUN tokens. This bold  move is strived at enhancing the token's value and strengthening investor confidence within the Tron ecosystem. By redirecting all generated revenue into token burns, Sun hopes to reduce the supply of SUN tokens, thereby increasing their scarcity and value.


Justin Sun's recent announcements mark a significant shift in strategy for both SunPump and SUN tokens. The introduction of a 100% onchain buyback and burn process for SunPump demonstrates a commitment to transparency and simplicity, addressing the community’s concerns about the complexity of LP token burning. Meanwhile, the decision to burn 100% of SUN token revenue underscores Sun's dedication to boosting the token's value and investor confidence. 

Also Read: How SunPump Outperformed Pump.fun In Just 12 Days

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