Pavel Durov Telegram Updates: 10M Subscribers and New Features

Key Takeaways
  • Telegram, under Pavel Durov, reaches 10 million premium subscribers, showcasing its growth and user trust.
  • Introduction of "Businesses Nearby" and "Star Giveaways" boosts community engagement and enhances user experience.
  • Pavel Durov's commitment to moderation and security leads to improved features and usability on the Telegram platform.
09-07-2024 By: Deep Upadhyay
Pavel Durov Telegram

Telegram Reached 10M Premium Subscribers

Pavel Durov has once again made headlines with Pavel Durov latest news about Telegram's astounding achievement of reaching 10 million paid subscribers. As the Telegram CEO Pavel Durov continues to steer the platform towards innovative advancements, Telegram users are set to experience a host of new features while saying goodbye to a few outdated ones.

Pavel Durov Telegram Update Making Buzz 

In a significant update, Telegram has decided to remove the "People Nearby" feature, which was used by less than 0.1% of users and plagued by issues with bots and scammers. In its place, Telegram will launch "Businesses Nearby," a feature that will showcase legitimate, verified businesses. These businesses can display product catalogs and accept payments seamlessly, enhancing user experience and trust.

This move reflects Durov's commitment to improving the platform's usability and safety. Pavel Durov, who is Pavel Durov, is known for his forward-thinking approach and dedication to maintaining Telegram's reputation as a secure and user-friendly platform.

Telegram Enhanced Features and User Experience

Telegram has disabled new media uploads to Telegraph, its standalone blogging tool, to prevent misuse by anonymous actors, aligning with Pavel Durov's goal to enhance moderation. The platform introduces "Star Giveaways" in groups and channels, allowing owners to promote communities and reward members with prizes that can be spent on paid media, exclusive subscriptions, and mini-apps, boosting engagement.

Additionally, the Telegram Browser's "Instant View" feature now converts any article into an easy-to-read, lightweight layout, optimizing articles into perfectly formatted pages with zero load times, enhancing the user reading experience.

With these updates, Pavel Durov Telegram continues to prioritize user privacy and sustainable monetization. The growth to 10 million Premium subscribers in less than eight months underscores Telegram's commitment to innovation and excellence.


Pavel Durov net worth, currently at $9.2 billion, reflects his success and influence in the tech industry. Pavel Durov education and vision have been instrumental in transforming Telegram into a platform that nearly a billion people rely on for communication. As Pavel Durov Telegram channel updates keep rolling out, users can expect more groundbreaking features and a continually improving platform.

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