Bitcoin Mining Turn Wasted Solar Energy Into Profit in Japan

Bitcoin Mining Turn

Bitcoin Mining Powers Up with Japan’s Wasted Solar Energy

A subsidiary of Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), Agile Energy X, has launched a groundbreaking initiative to turn wasted renewable energy into profits through Bitcoin mining. By capturing unused solar energy, the company aims to not only mine Bitcoin but also promote the expansion of green energy in Japan.

Bitcoin Mining with Wasted Renewable Energy

Agile Energy X is harnessing surplus solar energy from solar farms in Gunma and Tochigi prefectures near Tokyo. The initiative was inspired by Japan’s "output control" practices, which limit renewable energy production to balance supply and demand or deal with transmission issues. The company aims to transform this curtailed energy into a profitable venture by mining Bitcoin, potentially introducing more renewable energy into Japan’s power grid.

The Scale of Wasted Energy in Japan

In 2023, Japan’s output control measures led to 1,920 gigawatt-hours of curtailed energy—equivalent to the annual energy consumption of 450,000 households. Agile Energy X’s simulations suggest that if renewable energy were to supply 50% of Japan’s power, up to 240,000 gigawatt-hours could be wasted annually. Utilizing just 10% of this surplus energy for Bitcoin mining could yield approximately 360 billion Japanese yen ($2.5 billion) in Bitcoin per year.

Potential Benefits for Renewable Energy Expansion

Kenji Tateiwa, president of Agile Energy X, believes that the project could incentivize the adoption of more green energy. By mining Bitcoin and generating profits, companies could integrate renewable energy into their corporate earnings, encouraging further investment in sustainable energy sources.

Global Attention and Interest

This initiative has sparked interest beyond Japan. Fred Thiel, CEO of Marathon Digital Holdings, noted that while regions like the EU remain critical of Bitcoin, Japan is leveraging its benefits. Similarly, in the U.S., particularly Texas, excess renewable energy is also being used for Bitcoin mining, helping to balance the grid while creating additional revenue streams.


Agile Energy X’s project could revolutionize how countries manage renewable energy surplus, making Bitcoin mining a viable tool to promote green energy expansion. This initiative not only addresses energy waste but also paves the way for the future of sustainable energy and cryptocurrency integration.

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