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Digital Currency Debate Becomes Key Issue in US Presidential Election

Key Takeaways
  • Both Biden and Trump are now focusing on cryptocurrency as the 2024 election approaches
  • Biden and Trump are changing their views to appeal to crypto voters
  • Crypto is a hot topic in the election for the very first time, affecting many voters' daily lives
22-Jun-2024 Simran Mishra
Digital Currency Debate Becomes Key Issue in US Presidential Election

Is Crypto Becoming a Hot Topic in the 2024 US Presidential Race?

As the 2024 US presidential election approaches, cryptocurrency has become a hot topic. Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump are adjusting their positions on digital assets, making it an important issue for voters. It's something a lot of people are paying attention to because it affects how we handle money online.

With the 2024 US presidential election coming up, cryptocurrency is getting a lot of attention. People are talking about it because both Joe Biden and Donald Trump are talking about it too. It's becoming a big deal because it's about how we use money online, something that affects many of us in our daily lives.

Biden's Crypto Journey 

When Biden became president, many crypto fans weren't happy with him. They didn't like the people he chose to regulate crypto or the laws his party supported. Here's what Biden has done so far:

  1. He picked Gary Gensler to lead the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), the group that oversees financial markets.

  2. He signed an order to create rules for digital assets.

  3. He stopped a plan that would have changed how banks deal with crypto.

Some people blame Biden for his party's tough stance on crypto. Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat, often speaks out against digital assets, saying they're used for illegal activities.

The SEC, under Gensler, has been cracking down on crypto companies. They're taking legal action against big names like Ripple, Coinbase, and Kraken.

But as the election gets closer, Biden might be softening his view. He's shown interest in working with Congress on crypto rules and his campaign team is reportedly reaching out to crypto experts for advice. Some think Biden might even start accepting campaign donations in Bitcoin to appeal to younger voters.

Trump's Changing Views on Crypto

Donald Trump has had a rollercoaster relationship with crypto. As president, he was very against it, calling Bitcoin a scam and saying cryptocurrencies were "based on thin air." But things have changed since he left his position.

Now running for president again, Trump is embracing crypto. He's created his own digital collectibles (NFTs) and says his campaign will accept Bitcoin donations. He's even promising to make sure all remaining Bitcoin is mined in the US if he wins.

Biden Softening His Approach?

As the election gets closer, it looks like Biden might be changing his mind about crypto. Here's why people think this:-

  1. He's open to working with Congress on crypto laws.

  2. More Democrats are supporting crypto-friendly bills.

  3. There are rumors that Biden's campaign is asking crypto experts for advice.

Some people think Biden might start accepting crypto donations too. This could help him appeal to younger voters who are into digital assets.

Why the Change of Heart? 

Both candidates seem to realize that crypto voters could be important in a close election. Over 60 million Americans have invested in crypto, and many of them are young voters that candidates want to attract.

Trump is directly appealing to crypto fans, telling them they "better vote" for him because he claims Democrats are against crypto. Some Republicans see supporting crypto as a way to promote financial freedom and innovation.

The Upcoming Debate

Biden and Trump will face off in a debate on June 27. Crypto could be a topic they discuss. Trump already has support from some big names in the crypto world, like the Winklevoss twins who founded Gemini.

Some people who plan to vote for Biden say they like that crypto isn't tied to one political party. Others are worried about Trump's legal troubles.

Why This Matters?

This is the first time crypto has become a big issue in a US presidential election. It shows how important digital assets have become. The crypto industry has spent a lot of money trying to influence politicians on both sides.

Trump is now directly appealing to crypto fans, telling them they should vote for him because Biden's team is "against" crypto. This could make the debate over crypto regulation more political.

Is Crypto a Vote-Winner or Really a Big Election Issue?

The impact of crypto on elections is uncertain. Many Americans are unsure about its safety and reliability due to recent scandals and market crashes. However, some polls suggest that it's an important issue for voters, especially in swing states, with over 20% considering it significant. Ownership is higher among young people and communities of color, key demographics for candidates.

In terms of winning votes, it's unclear how much crypto will influence decisions. While some favor Trump over Biden, the divide isn't substantial. The key takeaway is that crypto's role in elections is complex, with perceptions and ownership playing a role, but its direct influence on voting behavior remains to be seen.

Risks and Challenges 

Trump's support for crypto is a big change from his time as president. It could help him win some voters, but it also has risks. Crypto markets can be very unstable, and some big crypto figures have gotten into legal trouble.

For the crypto industry, there's a risk that this could make crypto a partisan issue. They've been trying to get support from both parties, which they need to pass the laws they want.

Making crypto a campaign issue comes with some risks:-

  1. It could become too partisan, with Republicans strongly for it and Democrats against it. This might make it harder to pass balanced crypto laws in the future.

  2. The crypto market is very unpredictable. If there's another big crash or scandal, it could backfire on candidates who strongly support it.

  3. Some worry that aligning crypto with one party could lead to flip-flopping policies every time the White House changes hands.

The Overall Scenario?

As we get closer to Election Day (November 5, 2024), we'll likely hear more about crypto from both Biden and Trump. They're set to debate each other on June 27, and crypto could come up as a hot topic.

Crypto is becoming an important campaign issue. Both Biden and Trump are changing their positions, trying to appeal to crypto voters. This shows how digital assets are becoming a bigger part of mainstream politics and could influence the future of financial regulations in the US.

For the first time, cryptocurrency is becoming a real issue in a US presidential election. Whether you're a crypto fan or someone with doubts, it's clear that digital money is now part of the political conversation. As voters, it's important to understand where candidates stand on this emerging technology and how it might affect the future of finance and regulation in the US.

Remember, while crypto is getting attention, it's just one of many important issues to consider when choosing a president. Stay informed, think critically, and make your voice heard at the voting booth!

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