发射台 | DaoStarter |
买 APP Now | Buy Here |
总供应量 数量 | 10,000,000,000.00 |
代币出售 | 4,000,000,000.00 |
占供应量的百分比 | 40.00% |
阶段 | Privatesale |
筹款目标 | 48,000,000 |
APP 我愿意 价格 | 0.012 USDT |
1 USDT | 83.3333 |
软上限 | 5000000000 USDT |
硬顶 | 40000000000 USDT |
个人上限 | TBA |
APP 项目 类别 | Blockchain |
APP 合约地址 | Binance-Smart-Chain https://bscscan.com/address/0xee9Ba71742EB6A1EDed574adEc4e7fcF155D091D |
白皮书 | NA |
网站 | SappChat Website |
社交媒体 |
Sappchat is a blockchain-based, distributed network that promises to connect individuals worldwide in a safe, private, and secure manner using cutting-edge encryption and mobile communication technology. Sappchat is built upon the Sappchain our technical partner's Blockchain, especially developed to cater to the needs of users of both cryptocurrencies and communication technologies. For Latest Crypto Ido