发射台 | On Website |
买 OWP Now | NA |
总供应量 数量 | 1,000,000,000.00 |
代币出售 | 550,000,000.00 |
占供应量的百分比 | 55.00% |
阶段 | Privatesale |
筹款目标 | 1,100,000 |
OWP 首次代币发行 价格 | 0.002 USDT |
1 USDT | 500.0000 |
软上限 | TBA |
硬顶 | TBA |
个人上限 | TBA |
OWP 项目 类别 | Gaming |
OWP 合约地址 | NA |
白皮书 | NA |
网站 | Owlwin Protocol Website |
社交媒体 |
GameFi is being revolutionized on the blockchain. The Owlwin Project is a decentralized gaming platform that provides Blockchain games with a unique gaming experience. The platform is built on the blockchain and utilizes smart contracts to ensure fairness and transparency within the casino. OWP token holders will also have governance and voting rights, allowing them complete control over Owlwin's development. Owlwin Protocol is set to become the world's first Gaming Anonymous Organization, completely decentralized. For Latest Crypto ICO