发射台 | TrustSwap |
买 MIDLE Now | Buy Here |
总供应量 数量 | 1,000,000,000.00 |
代币出售 | 15,000,000.00 |
占供应量的百分比 | 1.50% |
阶段 | IDO |
筹款目标 | 150,000 |
MIDLE 我愿意 价格 | 0.01 USDT |
1 USDT | 100.0000 |
软上限 | TBA |
硬顶 | TBA |
个人上限 | TBA |
MIDLE 项目 类别 | Web3 |
MIDLE 合约地址 | Binance-Smart-Chain |
白皮书 | NA |
网站 | Midle Website |
社交媒体 |
Midle, where artificial intelligence intersects with blockchain technology. Participate in our IDO public sale and secure your share of Midle tokens, the cornerstone of our innovative platform. Midle leverages advanced AI algorithms and blockchain infrastructure to provide cutting-edge solutions for various industries. By joining our public sale, you can contribute to the future of AI-driven blockchain applications and be part of a revolutionary movement. Don't miss this opportunity to invest in Midle and shape the landscape of decentralized technology. For Latest Crypto Ido