发射台 | Solsale |
买 $MemeSnipe Now | Buy Here |
总供应量 数量 | 1,000,000,000.00 |
代币出售 | 700,000,000.00 |
占供应量的百分比 | 70.00% |
阶段 | Presale |
筹款目标 | 140,000,000 |
$MEMESNIPE 首次代币发行 价格 | 0.200 solana |
1 USDT | 5.0000 |
软上限 | 50 solana |
硬顶 | TBA |
个人上限 | TBA |
$MemeSnipe 项目 类别 | Trading |
$MemeSnipe 合约地址 | Solana Ecosystem |
白皮书 | NA |
网站 | MemeSniper Website |
社交媒体 |
With Snipe Memes Smarter, you can build personalized Twitter lists for specific tokens, track their performance, and stay ahead of market trends. Whether you're a seasoned trader or a newcomer exploring the meme token space, this platform combines fun and efficiency, bridging the gap between social media and token trading. Elevate your trading game with smarter decisions and stay one step ahead in the ever-evolving crypto landscape.