发射台 | On Website |
买 1SOL Now | Buy Here |
总供应量 数量 | 1,000,000,000.00 |
代币出售 | 5,000,000.00 |
占供应量的百分比 | 0.50% |
阶段 | Privatesale |
筹款目标 | 50,000 |
1SOL 首次代币发行 价格 | 0.01 USDT |
1 USDT | 100.0000 |
软上限 | TBA |
硬顶 | TBA |
个人上限 | TBA |
1SOL 项目 类别 | Trading |
1SOL 合约地址 | Solana Ecosystem |
白皮书 | 1Sol protocol 白皮书 |
网站 | 1Sol protocol Website |
社交媒体 |
1Sol Protocol is a cross-chain DEX aggregator for Solana's decentralized protocols, enabling secure and efficient DeFi operations. 1Sol combines liquidity from DeFi and CeFi (swaps, orderbook DEX(s), OTC, etc.) for multi-chain transactions, as demand for aggregators grows and cross-chain transactions become increasingly important.The 1Sol platform, first developed as a DeFi aggregator, has the potential to become a fully fledged CEX platform, including NFT minting and buy decisions, Web3 wallet decisions, and more. For Latest Crypto ICO