市值 | |
24 小时交易量 | |
完全摊薄估值 | 906.03 B |
循环 | 12,573,543,081.00 |
总供应量 | 12,907,990,709.90 |
最大供应量 | 21,000,000,000.00 |
星期 | 月 | 年 | 所有时间 | |
高的 |
15-11-2024 0.004477827243
15-11-2024 0.004477827243
15-11-2024 0.004477827243
12-04-2021 ₹5,730,800.59
低的 |
25-11-2024 0.00299827
24-10-2024 0.001201478549
08-09-2024 0.001006500088
02-01-2020 ₹5,628.29
先生。 | 交换 | 一对 | 价格 | 传播 | 体积 | 体积% | 信心 | 最后交易 | 信任分数 |
价格 | 市值 | 体积 | 日期 |
Nimiq is made to make it easy for everyone to use cryptocurrencies without giving up decentralisation. Nimiq is the only blockchain where users are always expected to take part directly. Unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum, where the default way to connect to the network is through a third-party node. The DeFi crypto-fiat bridge, Nimiq OASIS, was made by Team Nimiq. No personal information is needed to make atomic swaps between cryptocurrencies like NIM and BTC (ETH is coming soon) and fiat currencies like EUR (USD is next). Earned swap fees are turned into net interest margin (NIM) and kept to create scarcity. Albatross is a new Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm that was made by Nimiq. It will be used in the next version of the Nimiq Blockchain, Nimiq 2.0. We expect 1000 TPS and finality in one second, which will push Nimiq 2.0 to the theoretical limits of single chain blockchain protocols. With this upgrade, the amount of energy used will drop to less than 1% (compared to the current Nimiq POW). The "super-halving" of Nimiq is coming soon! With the switch to Nimiq 2.0, the current rate of 3000 NIM per minute will drop to 525 NIM per minute. To know more about the Nimiq price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!