市值 | |
24 小时交易量 | |
完全摊薄估值 | 906.03 B |
循环 | 640,252,999.00 |
总供应量 | 2,040,000,000.00 |
最大供应量 | 2,040,000,000.00 |
星期 | 月 | 年 | 所有时间 | |
高的 |
13-11-2024 0.008754299709
31-10-2024 0.010696667362
08-02-2024 0.043679101862
06-05-2021 ₹5,730,800.59
低的 |
16-11-2024 0.00854994
28-10-2024 0.00737775
11-10-2024 0.00737775
09-10-2024 ₹5,628.29
先生。 | 交换 | 一对 | 价格 | 传播 | 体积 | 体积% | 信心 | 最后交易 | 信任分数 |
价格 | 市值 | 体积 | 日期 |
Handshake is a permissionless, decentralised system that is meant to give a large group of computers a reason to run a system for domain name ownership.
Under Handshake, each peer is responsible for validating and managing the root DNS naming zone. The goal is to provide an alternative to the current certificate authorities and naming systems.
A centralised approach is needed for many different parts of the internet, such as social networking handles and domains. This means that the systems depend on people being honest, and they can still be hacked or used for fraud.
Handshake wants to solve this problem by making the internet less centralised and more like a peer-to-peer system.
One of the most interesting things about Handshake is that it's not a blockchain project that wants to completely decentralise DNS infrastructure. It is more about making the root zone and/or the top-level domains less centralised.
This is because DNS is already decentralised, except for the root zone.
Handshake's main idea is that it wants to make the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) less important (ICANN.)
Handshake wants to make the internet safer by making use of a Proof-of-Work-based decentralised application.
To know more about the Handshake price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!