Dinero apxETH (APXETH)
Dinero apxETH (APXETH)
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 9,137.55
Max Supply 0.00

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  • Ethereum ethereum-0x9ba021b0a9b958b5e75ce9f6dff97c7ee52cb3e6
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Coin Dinero apxETH
Dinero apxETH Price Today (Apxeth Price Today)
Pirex ETH is built on top of the Redacted DAO’s Pirex platform and forms the foundation of the Dinero protocol. It is a two-token system built around ETH staking, consisting of pxETH and apxETH. apxETH is for users focused on maximizing their staking yields. After minting pxETH, users can deposit to Dinero's auto-compounding rewards vault to enjoy boosted staking yields without the hassle of running their own validators.
Frequently Asked Questions (Crypto FAQs)
The current price of Dinero apxETH (APXETH) is USD
24 Hours, High Price of Dinero apxETH (APXETH) is USD 0 and Low price of Dinero apxETH (APXETH) is USD 0
The total supply of Dinero apxETH (APXETH) is 9137.5521419076 and Circulating supply of Dinero apxETH (APXETH) is 0.00
The trading volume of Dinero apxETH (APXETH) is In the last 24 hours