CUTcoin (CUT)
CUTcoin (CUT)
Circulating 176,392,414.00
Total Supply 200,000,000.00
Max Supply 0.00

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CUTcoin News (Cut News)

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Coin CUTcoin
CUTcoin Price Today (Cut Price Today)
CUT coin uses the latest advances in cryptography to allow anonymous transactions. Wallet balances, transaction amount, sender and receiver are private by default on our blockchain. Our innovative Proof of Stake consensus is the first in history to keep the total amount of coins even in staking wallets completely concealed. Also read: CURVEHASH Curve Price USD
کرپٹو کے بارے میں عمومی سوالات
The current price of CUTcoin (CUT) is USD 0.00799681
24 Hours, High Price of CUTcoin (CUT) is USD 0 and Low price of CUTcoin (CUT) is USD 0
The total supply of CUTcoin (CUT) is 200000000 and Circulating supply of CUTcoin (CUT) is 176,392,414.00
The trading volume of CUTcoin (CUT) is 4 In the last 24 hours