FastSwap (FAST)
FastSwap (FAST)
Circulating 151,721.00
Total Supply 714,371.00
Max Supply 714,371.00

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FastSwap A decentralized exchange for erc20 Token and cross-chain swap powered by Polkadot. FastSwap is a bundle of different dapps in one place, from token swap to p2p, nft, vaults etc. Just like Sushiswap Fastswap share trading fees with Fast Holders.

Also read: FastMoon Fastmoon Price USD
Mibuzo Yo Tiva (Crypto FAQs)
The current price of FastSwap (FAST) is USD 0.0004574
24 Hours, High Price of FastSwap (FAST) is USD 0 and Low price of FastSwap (FAST) is USD 0
The total supply of FastSwap (FAST) is 714370.99880416 and Circulating supply of FastSwap (FAST) is 151,721.00
The trading volume of FastSwap (FAST) is 1149 In the last 24 hours