ApeSwap (BANANA)
ApeSwap (BANANA)
0.00059668 1.65 %
Boemo # 5329 500+ Lethathamo la go Leetsa
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24H Mokgwa
Bohlokoa jwa Mmaraka
24 Hour Trading Vol
Boto e feletseng ya boleng 906.03 B
E tsamaisang 275,458,948.00
Tlhahiso Botlhe 326,521,109.94
Phuthelo e kgolo 650,000,000.00
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  • Ethereum ethereum-0x92df60c51c710a1b1c20e42d85e221f3a1bfc7f2
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ApeSwap Price USD (Banana Price USD)

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ApeSwap Price History (Banana Price History)
Theko Bohlokoa jwa Mmaraka Bokete Letsatsi
Coin ApeSwap
ApeSwap Price Today (Banana Price Today)

Apeswap (BANANA) is a decentralised exchange (DEX) on Binance Smart Chain for BEP-20 tokens (BSC). Apeswap offers a full set of tools for DeFi, such as buying tokens that trade against BANANA, token swaps, providing liquidity, staking, lending and borrowing, IDOs, and margin trading. Apeswap also gives partners the option to list tokens on the exchange and set up staking pools and yield farms to encourage users to trade them.

The decentralised exchange is thought to be one of the biggest in the Binance ecosystem. It works with important projects like FRAX, LUNR, KAI, and Animoca Brands. Apeswap sees its mission as giving crypto users easy access to financial opportunities through transparency, security, and help. Its goal is to make traditional finance less centralised and create a fair economy through a DAO that is run by the community and is sustainable.

Apeswap gives its users an incentive to provide liquidity by letting them stake their APE-LP tokens. Investors who want a passive way to invest can use the auto-compounding vaults, where tokens are automatically staked to make farming profits. There are also Burning Vaults, which use a portion of their farming profits to buy back and burn the native BANANA token.

To know more about the Apeswap price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!

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Dipotso tse di Botsweng Tshwarelo (Crypto FAQs)
The current price of ApeSwap (BANANA) is USD 0.00059668
24 Hours, High Price of ApeSwap (BANANA) is USD 0.00061266 and Low price of ApeSwap (BANANA) is USD 0.00058674
The total supply of ApeSwap (BANANA) is 326521109.9359 and Circulating supply of ApeSwap (BANANA) is 275,458,948.00
The trading volume of ApeSwap (BANANA) is 1674889 In the last 24 hours