Fraction Price Today (Fraction Price Today)
FRACTION is a native streamable token on the xDai Chain with a total supply of only 1. Which means you can ever only own a fraction of the token. The inital value of 1 FRACTION got set to 2000$ by filling up the FRACTION:WXDAI Honeyswap Liquidity pool on a 0.5:1000 ratio. It's a native Supertoken, meaning you can stream it via the Superfluid protocol. The price solely depends on buy:sale:liquidity-pool ratio on the Honeyswap DEX (there was no Airdrop, Airstream, ICO, IDO or any other crypto-acronym). The token doesn't have ANY real-life value/usecase - it's more like a "collectible you can trade like a currency" than a utility token.
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