లాంచ్‌ప్యాడ్ BSCS Launchpad
Buy $STAY Now Buy Here
Total Supply Qty 100,000,000,000.00
Tokens for Sale 285,714,286.00
% of Supply 0.29%
వేదిక IDO
నిధుల సేకరణ లక్ష్యం 100,000
$STAY IDO ధర 0.00035 USDT
1 USDT 2,857.1429
Soft Cap TBA
Hard Cap TBA
Personal Cap TBA

Staynex ($STAY) IDO Crypto

- Project Details
$STAY ప్రాజెక్ట్ వర్గం Web3
$STAY Contract Address Binance-Smart-Chain 0x03786b711b47a09fcDE4AA356892A23dAC5e2f5f
తెల్ల కాగితం Staynex తెల్ల కాగితం
Website Staynex Website
Social Media
గురించి Staynex ($STAY) ప్రాజెక్ట్

StayNex is a pioneering project in the real estate sector that leverages blockchain technology to enhance property management and investment. It aims to simplify the buying, selling, and management of real estate through a decentralized platform, offering users greater transparency, security, and efficiency. By integrating smart contracts and tokenization, StayNex provides a seamless experience for property Crypto transactions and investment opportunities. The platform facilitates fractional ownership, allowing investors to own and trade shares in real estate assets, thus lowering the barrier to entry. Additionally, StayNex’s innovative approach addresses common issues in the real estate investment market, such as high fees and lack of liquidity, by streamlining processes and reducing costs. Its user-friendly interface and robust blockchain infrastructure position StayNex as a transformative force in the real estate industry, catering to both individual investors and institutional players seeking to diversify their portfolios. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) అన్నీ వీక్షించండి
The terms initial coin offering (ICO) and initial dex offering (IDO) are somewhat similar to an initial public offering (IPO) on the stock market. An ICO is a method of raising funds for the development of new blockchain apps, cryptocurrencies, or financial services. Both are methods of crowdfunding in which investors may buy tokens generated by the company. The only difference between them is that in an ICO, tokens are sold before exchange listing, and tokens in an IDO are immediately listed on the DEX (Decentralized Exchange) via which they are launched.
ICO and IDO are the same and different in many aspects. In both of these token issuers, don't pay direct fees to middlemen. And this is what is in keeping with Bitcoin and other altcoins peer to peer culture. However many IDO launchpads are changing due to their growing popularity and usage growth.
IDO is beneficial in many ways. It offers transparent and equal fundraising, fast trading practices and instant liquidity.
An ICO model helps in providing sufficient liquidity, it allows minimal paperwork and also guarantees high returns on investments.
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