Strudel Finance (TRDL)
Strudel Finance (TRDL)
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 7,993,677.96
Max Supply 7,993,677.96

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  • Ethereum ethereum-0x297d33e17e61c2ddd812389c2105193f8348188a
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The Strudel is the first one-way, trustless bridge linking Bitcoin and Ethereum. The bravest explorers that arrive on the other side will get extra $TRDL rewards. You can only enter the Strudel from one direction so be aware! This action is irreversible.
Frequently Asked Questions (Crypto FAQs)
The current price of Strudel Finance (TRDL) is USD 0.00408335
24 Hours, High Price of Strudel Finance (TRDL) is USD 0 and Low price of Strudel Finance (TRDL) is USD 0
The total supply of Strudel Finance (TRDL) is 7993677.959794 and Circulating supply of Strudel Finance (TRDL) is 0.00
The trading volume of Strudel Finance (TRDL) is 320 In the last 24 hours