LinkSync (SYNC)
LinkSync (SYNC)
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 1,000,000,000,000,000.00
Max Supply 1,000,000,000,000,000.00

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  • Ethereum binance-smart-chain-0xf6a22b0593df74f218027a2d8b7953c9b4542aa1
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Coin LinkSync
LinkSync Price Today (Sync Price Today)
LinkSync aims to solve one of the biggest problems related to the rapidly emerging crypto markets by creating a workaround for the old fashion Chart tools, bringing security and transparency to the blockchain. LinkSync is going to offer access to all chains on the blockchain and by using LinkSync web or app you will be able to explore all blockchains charts, but you will also gain access to features like wallet track, known pump and dump whales track, and you will be able to scan and verify a contract, receive exclusive access to new and legit projects that will be launched through Linksync's launchpad platform. LinkSync Token is a hyper-deflationary token with a maximum circulating supply of 1Q (quadrillion) on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain, that involves an inaccessible burn wallet. Depending on each holder’s percentage of ownership, a 12% transaction tax is distributed among all holders—this includes the burn wallet, which is essentially a holder that collects more tokens over time as transactions occur. As the circulating supply decreases, the scarcity of the token increases. This inversely proportional relationship constitutes, a supply and demand model. There is no limit of how many tokens can be burnt. Without a burning limit, holders get to enjoy a never-ending cycle of passive income with positive price pressure!
Frequently Asked Questions (Crypto FAQs)
The current price of LinkSync (SYNC) is USD 3.4753E-11
24 Hours, High Price of LinkSync (SYNC) is USD 0 and Low price of LinkSync (SYNC) is USD 0
The total supply of LinkSync (SYNC) is 1.0E+15 and Circulating supply of LinkSync (SYNC) is 0.00
The trading volume of LinkSync (SYNC) is 1221 In the last 24 hours