CCUniverse (UVU)
CCUniverse (UVU)
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 1,063,332,333.00
Max Supply 0.00

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Coin CCUniverse
CCUniverse Price Today (Uvu Price Today)
CCUniverse is a project founded by a Polish young team in which they have combined blockchain technology with infrastructure programs. In the first year of operation, the project will focus on the ATM crypto program. CCuniverse wants to set up its devices in Europe by providing its currency as well as BTC, ETH communities to facilitate buying and exchanging their assets as well. In subsequent years, CCUniverse will set up charging station for electric cars, including the payment service via their own cryptocurrency, and will provide rental services of modern cars as well. CCUniverse vision is to have an open character - this means that subsequent programs will appear with the development of the currency. We want to invest and create which will affect the development of civilization. We believe that private investors and businessmen are able to manage resources more efficiently than governments do. That is why many great ideas and concepts are don’t get a chance due to inadequate organization. Our project wants to implement such ideas in the future from scratch to the end. We are already research and development to boast our successes in technologically and innovation. For upcoming projects which are expected to last in 2020-2025. We are particularly examining the construction market, including prototypes of houses using, for example, transport containers or surveying domes, reducing the price and maximizing the surface area. In addition, we are interested in scientific work in the field of robotics and projects focusing on solving energy problems related to environmental protection.
Frequently Asked Questions (Crypto FAQs)
The current price of CCUniverse (UVU) is USD 5.03E-6
24 Hours, High Price of CCUniverse (UVU) is USD 0 and Low price of CCUniverse (UVU) is USD 0
The total supply of CCUniverse (UVU) is 1063332333 and Circulating supply of CCUniverse (UVU) is 0.00
The trading volume of CCUniverse (UVU) is 0 In the last 24 hours