Launchpad | On Website |
Nunua LPX Now | Buy Here |
Jumla ya Ugavi Idadi | 1,000,000,000.00 |
Tokens kwa Uuzaji | 250,000,000.00 |
% ya Ugavi | 25.00% |
Hatua | Privatesale |
Lengo la Kukusanya Fedha | 11,125,000 |
LPX ICO Bei | 0.0445 USDT |
1 USDT | 22.4719 |
Cap Laini | TBA |
Hard Cap | TBA |
Cap Binafsi | TBA |
LPX Mradi Kategoria | NA |
LPX Anwani ya Mkataba | NA |
Tovuti | LaunchPad Website |
Mitandao ya Kijamii |
About LaunchPad | Initial Coin Offering
Launchpad XYZ makes Web3 human by simplifying a complex world into one familiar home. Discover how things work, what the risks are, and how to operate safely. Launchpad XYZ uses industry-standard processes to provide the tools, pricing and delivery schedules to fit in with how agencies work. Enabling brands to deliver world-class Web3 experiences in weeks, not months. For more Ico.