Launchpad | pinksale Finance |
Reka FIRM Now | Buy Here |
Phetho e Felletseng Boholo | 50,000,000.00 |
Li-token bakeng sa Sale | 2,000,000.00 |
% ea Pholiso | 4.00% |
Mokhatlo | Privatesale |
Sephetho sa Phetho | 200,000 |
FIRM ICO Theko | 0.1 BNB |
1 USDT | 10.0000 |
Soft Cap | TBA |
Hard Cap | TBA |
Personal Cap | TBA |
FIRM Merero Sehlopha | Blockchain |
FIRM Aterese ea Konteraka | NA |
Webosaete | FirmSeed Website |
Mecha ea Litaba |
About FirmSeed | Initial Coin Offering
Firmseed is on a mission to change the way people invest in real estate. We think that everyone, regardless of geography or economic level, should have access to high-quality real estate investments. regardless of their location or income level. That’s why we have created a fractional real estate investment platform that utilizes the power of blockchain and DeFi to make real estate transparent, borderless, and hassle-free.for more Latest Crypto ICO.