Bandwidth AI Price Today (BPS Price Today)
Start using our proprietary AI-enabled browser extension and get paid periodic cash rewards for renting out your unused internet bandwidth
Inspired by Grass, Bandwidth AI is a unique DePIN ecosystem in which users can utilize our browser extension to get rewarded for their unused internet bandwidth. Use Bandwidth AI and start earning passive $BPS rewards with just a few clicks.
Revenue generated by our platform, which is used to reward users in $BPS, comes from the sell-trough of internet bandwidth. In other words, the bandwidth users lend out is sold to companies, primarily those active in the field of AI. AI companies use this unused internet bandwidth to scrape the internet and train their AI models. As such, by using the Bandwidth AI platform you earn rewards while contributing to the development and growth of AI.
The Bandwidth AI ecosystem works through an easy-to-use and easy-to-integrate browser extension, compatible with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Simply download and install the extension, set up your account and start earning $BPS for your unused bandwidth. An extensive overview of our extension and how to start earning rewards is detailed in the next chapters of this whitepaper.
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