Mixed Race Tate ($MRTATE) IDO

Token Sale : 09-16-2024 – 09-20-2024
Launchpad Solsale
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Total Supply Qty 1,000,000,000.00
Tokens for Sale 300,000,000.00
% of Supply 30.00%
Stage IDO
Fundraising Goal 30,000,000
1 USDT 10.0000
Soft Cap TBA
Hard Cap TBA
Personal Cap TBA

Mixed Race Tate ($MRTATE) IDO Crypto

- Project Details
$MRTATE Project Category MEME Token
$MRTATE Contract Address Binance-Smart-Chain Fu426feK4a1cdqbS32U6mzthEAg4H1mHHStXxR4DfFAF
Website Mixed Race Tate Website
Social Media
About Mixed Race Tate ($MRTATE) Project

Mixed Race Tate ($MRTATE) is a bold Crypto memecoin inspired by the controversial figure, Andrew Tate, with a mission to make waves in the crypto world. Just like Tate’s outspoken and polarizing persona, $MRTATE aims to stand out through a mix of humor, audacity, and high energy. With a community-driven approach, this token thrives on meme culture, social media buzz, and dedicated followers who are in for both entertainment and financial gain.

The project taps into the phenomenon of influencer-driven cryptocurrencies, offering holders a chance to ride the tide of Tate’s wild persona. $MRTATE seeks to disrupt traditional crypto models by combining internet culture with blockchain technology, engaging both fans and traders looking for something beyond conventional tokens. Whether you love or hate Andrew Tate, this memecoin is designed to be unpredictable, much like its namesake. As it grows, the project promises exciting rewards, exclusive drops, and community interactions that mirror Tate's unapologetic style. $MRTATE invites crypto enthusiasts to join a movement where entertainment meets innovation in the wild world of digital assets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) View All
The terms initial coin offering (ICO) and initial dex offering (IDO) are somewhat similar to an initial public offering (IPO) on the stock market. An ICO is a method of raising funds for the development of new blockchain apps, cryptocurrencies, or financial services. Both are methods of crowdfunding in which investors may buy tokens generated by the company. The only difference between them is that in an ICO, tokens are sold before exchange listing, and tokens in an IDO are immediately listed on the DEX (Decentralized Exchange) via which they are launched.
ICO and IDO are the same and different in many aspects. In both of these token issuers, don't pay direct fees to middlemen. And this is what is in keeping with Bitcoin and other altcoins peer to peer culture. However many IDO launchpads are changing due to their growing popularity and usage growth.
IDO is beneficial in many ways. It offers transparent and equal fundraising, fast trading practices and instant liquidity.
An ICO model helps in providing sufficient liquidity, it allows minimal paperwork and also guarantees high returns on investments.
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