Sell Token (SELLC)
Sell Token (SELLC)
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 100,000,000.00
Max Supply 20,678,965.00

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What is the project about? SellToken is World’s First DEX Short-Trading Aggregation Platform What makes your project unique? SellToken is a decentralized short-trading exchange based on smart contracts. Its operation is completely based on the unmodifiable smart contract code. According to the short-trading request submitted by the user, the smart contract can automatically execute user’s short-trading operation. SellToken has vast difference compared with traditional CEX’s contract trade. The fundamental difference is that SellToken never conduct forced liquidation when opening a short price position, which avoids the malicious manipulation of token prices by giant whales. History of your project. SellToken offer extreme security and reliability to the user by all transactions being executed on smart contract, thus avoiding the risks such as fund being attacked and stolen. All crypto currencies can be short on SellToken at anytime and anywhere. Tax is 0% on both buy and sell Token is launched successfully with MCAP worth $1338392 and maintaining volume above $861k Liquidity pool worth is $261k What’s next for your project? Currently SellToken platform support BNB and USDT trading pair on BNB Smart Chain. Support for Ethereum Chain will launch shortly after. What can your token be used for? Trading, Short Selling Pool
Frequently Asked Questions (Crypto FAQs)
The current price of Sell Token (SELLC) is USD 0.00101834
24 Hours, High Price of Sell Token (SELLC) is USD 0 and Low price of Sell Token (SELLC) is USD 0
The total supply of Sell Token (SELLC) is 100000000 and Circulating supply of Sell Token (SELLC) is 0.00
The trading volume of Sell Token (SELLC) is In the last 24 hours