Slay To Earn (SLAY2EARN)
Slay To Earn (SLAY2EARN)
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 1,000,000,000,000.00
Max Supply 1,000,000,000,000.00

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  • Ethereum ethereum-0x2932624ff57f5920ce498bb343385c0332ec6e40
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Slay To Earn Price Today (Slay2earn Price Today)
At Blockify.Games, we bring realtime games you've come to love onto the blockchain. No more turn-based, mind-numbing games, just to make some money. We will help studios to make the transition and bring us proper blockchain games. Slay To Earn is our representative RPG game that will lay the foundation for other game studios to quickly iterate on blockchain technologies. While we call it a tech demo, the game is deployed on mainnet (Ethereum and Polygon) and has a fully working OpenSea economy with tradable NFTs. Our goal is to eventually compete with the flagship blockchain games of today and tomorrow. The game will constantly be expanded as our technology matures. Also read: Ruby Cash Ruby Price USD
अक्सर सोधिने क्रिप्टो प्रश्नहरू
The current price of Slay To Earn (SLAY2EARN) is USD 2.5191E-8
24 Hours, High Price of Slay To Earn (SLAY2EARN) is USD 0 and Low price of Slay To Earn (SLAY2EARN) is USD 0
The total supply of Slay To Earn (SLAY2EARN) is 1000000000000 and Circulating supply of Slay To Earn (SLAY2EARN) is 0.00
The trading volume of Slay To Earn (SLAY2EARN) is In the last 24 hours