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Jumlah Bekalan Kuantiti | 8,800,000,000.00 |
Token untuk Dijual | 3,080,000,000.00 |
% dari Bekalan | 35.00% |
Peringkat | Privatesale |
Matlamat Pengumpulan Dana | 18,480,000 |
AGT IEO Harga | 0.006 USDT |
1 USDT | 166.6667 |
Soft Cap | TBA |
Had Keras | TBA |
Personal Cap | TBA |
AGT Projek Kategori | Blockchain |
AGT Alamat Kontrak | NA |
Laman Web | AvataGo Website |
Media Sosial |
About AvataGo | Initial Exchange Offering
AvataGo is an AR-based Metaverse ecosystem platform. In the same way that we live with our friends and pets and enjoy various events in the real world, users can create, grow, and own AI avatars and then experience various events with them in this ecosystem platform.Anyone who can sell his or her voice, face, body, or character. To create each artificial intelligence for AR buddies, our team will employ the voice, face, body, or character.For more Latest Crypto IEO
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