CorgiSwap (CORIS)
CorgiSwap (CORIS)
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 2,195,477.00
Max Supply 0.00

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CorgiSwap Price Today (Coris Price Today)
CorgiSwap belongs to the Corgidoge ecosystem. CorgiSwap helps holders make the most out of their crypto in three ways: - Trade: Instantly swap crypto tokens, no registration or account needed. - Earn: Earn CORIS and other tokens for free with super high interest rates. - Win: CorgiSwap makes making money fun. There's currently no hard cap on the supply of CORIS token, making it an inflationary token. Community members often point to this as a cause for concern, and while the chefs certainly understand the wish for a hard cap, there's a big reason we don't expect to set one in the near future: CORIS's primary function is to incentivize providing liquidity to the exchange. Without block rewards, there would be much less incentive to provide liquidity (LP fees etc. would remain). Also read: Chain Colosseum Colos Price USD
Soalan Lazim Kripto (FAQ)
The current price of CorgiSwap (CORIS) is USD 0.01717873
24 Hours, High Price of CorgiSwap (CORIS) is USD 0 and Low price of CorgiSwap (CORIS) is USD 0
The total supply of CorgiSwap (CORIS) is 2195477 and Circulating supply of CorgiSwap (CORIS) is 0.00
The trading volume of CorgiSwap (CORIS) is 17135 In the last 24 hours