BandZai Token (BZAI)
BandZai Token (BZAI)
Circulating 104,135,727.00
Total Supply 1,000,000,000.00
Max Supply 1,000,000,000.00

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BandZai Token News (Bzai News)

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BandZai Token Price USD (Bzai Price USD)

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Coin BandZai Token
BandZai Token Price Today (Bzai Price Today)
BandZai game is a Play and earn NFT card game on polygon ZKEVM. ZAIs are clumsy but fierce mythical creatures whose principal hobby is, well, fighting each other! Buy your very own ZAIs and send them to battle in quest for fame and experience, or level them up through a unique training system. Earn $BZAI as you win fights with your ZAIs, or take control over one of our unique centers and start nursing and selling Zais, training them or crafting potions! Get more powerful and more exclusive ZAIs, fight your way to the end game in both PVE and PvP modes and earn ever greater rewards! Also read: Aurora Klay Ara Price USD
वारंवार विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न (क्रिप्टो FAQs)
The current price of BandZai Token (BZAI) is USD 0.00062921
24 Hours, High Price of BandZai Token (BZAI) is USD 0 and Low price of BandZai Token (BZAI) is USD 0
The total supply of BandZai Token (BZAI) is 1000000000 and Circulating supply of BandZai Token (BZAI) is 104,135,727.00
The trading volume of BandZai Token (BZAI) is In the last 24 hours