ലോഞ്ച്പാഡ് | Gempad |
വാങ്ങാൻ SOLXR Now | Buy Here |
Total Supply Qty | 5,000,000,000.00 |
Tokens for Sale | 249,975,000.00 |
% of Supply | 5.00% |
സ്റ്റേജ് | Privatesale |
ധനസമാഹരണ ലക്ഷ്യം | 49,995,000 |
SOLXR IDO വില | 0.2 USDT |
1 USDT | 5.0000 |
Soft Cap | 35000 USDT |
Hard Cap | 50000 USDT |
Personal Cap | TBA |
SOLXR പദ്ധതി വിഭാഗം | Web3 |
SOLXR Contract Address | Ethereum 0xC4362F504F6347DbE4617bc82fF68A08b83aFd28 |
വെളുത്ത പേപ്പർ | SOLARYSXR വെളുത്ത പേപ്പർ |
വെബ്സൈറ്റ് | SOLARYSXR Website |
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Our objective is to develop immersive experiences that inspire creativity and exploration of new worlds. We are creating a venue that connects the physical and digital worlds, providing unparalleled experiences. Potential for interactive storytelling, gaming, and art.SolarysXR is a groundbreaking web3 XR platform that is ready to change the way we interact with digital material. We are integrating mixed reality into a web3 framework through our revolutionary use of xRNFTs (augmented reality NFTs), reinventing the Play-to-Earn (P2E) model with a platform geared for sustainability and long-term user engagement. For Latest Crypto IDO