Perpetual Delta Neutral Yield (Optimism) (USDPY)
Perpetual Delta Neutral Yield (Optimism) (USDPY)
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 2,238,192.66
Max Supply 0.00

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Perpetual Delta Neutral Yield (Optimism) Price Today (USDPY Price Tod
USDpy is a yield accruing stable which gets yield from basis trading. The USDpy token elegantly amplifies yield on USD, harnessing the funding accrued from perpetual DEXes. USDpy generates yield by shorting an asset on a perps market with a favorable funding rate, while holding that asset in spot or yield to be delta neutral against USD. This asset performs best when many are going long on the underlying asset, as traders pay the short market in funding rate. When the funding rate is unfavorable, leverage is reduced to limit losses on yield. Also read: Nounspace $SPACE Price USD
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The current price of Perpetual Delta Neutral Yield (Optimism) (USDPY) is USD
24 Hours, High Price of Perpetual Delta Neutral Yield (Optimism) (USDPY) is USD 0 and Low price of Perpetual Delta Neutral Yield (Optimism) (USDPY) is USD 0
The total supply of Perpetual Delta Neutral Yield (Optimism) (USDPY) is 2238192.6572304 and Circulating supply of Perpetual Delta Neutral Yield (Optimism) (USDPY) is 0.00
The trading volume of Perpetual Delta Neutral Yield (Optimism) (USDPY) is In the last 24 hours