시가총액 | |
24시간 거래량 | |
완전 희석된 시가 총액 | 906.03 B |
유통 중 | 70,530,000.00 |
총 공급 | 100,000,000.00 |
최대 공급량 | 0.00 |
주 | 월 | 년 | 전체 기간 | |
최고 |
12-12-2024 18.95
04-12-2024 25.213449515208
04-12-2024 25.213449515208
15-01-2018 ₹5,730,800.59
최저 |
11-12-2024 16.897553926995
22-11-2024 13.216045498815
06-08-2024 8.476679763903
21-10-2016 ₹5,628.29
번호 | 거래소 | 쌍 | 가격 | 스프레드 | 거래량 | 거래량% | 신뢰도 | 마지막 거래 | 신뢰도 점수 |
가격 | 시가총액 | 거래량 | 날짜 |
Neo describes itself as a "rapidly growing and developing" ecosystem with the objective of establishing the basis for the next generation of the internet – a new economy that combines digital payments, identities, and assets.
When it was first released in February 2014, this project, then known as Antshares, was thought to be China's first-ever public blockchain. After three years, the open-source platform was renamed Neo.
The team behind this project operates an EcoBoost programme, which is aimed to encourage individuals to build decentralised apps and smart contracts on its blockchain, in addition to building a global community of developers that establish a new infrastructure for the network and remove barriers to entry.
Da Hongfei and Erik Zhang co-founded Neo and its predecessor Antshares. Both serve as chairmen of the Neo Foundation, which promotes the use of blockchain technology.
One of the Neo blockchain's key selling advantages is its constant growth, which ensures that it is future proof and capable of dealing with unforeseen spikes in demand. As previously stated, the team has created Neo 3.0, which improves network security and allows for more transactions per second to be completed.
This blockchain, in contrast to many others, has two native tokens: NEO and GAS. While NEO is used as an investment token and allows consumers to vote on blockchain upgrades, GAS is used to pay network transaction fees.
To know more about the Neo price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!
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