MetaSafeMoon Price Today (Metasfm Price Today)
MetaSafeMoon concept was created on October the 17th, in Dubai, at the first Metaverse summit where people from across the globe came to discuss the functionality and applicability of the Metaverse.
MetaSafeMoon's mission is to develop a well-developed ecosystem that embodies the metaverse and the NFTs in the vision of humanity, powered by MetaMoon dashboard.
MetaMoon platform will allow you to purchase land and properties on the moon, build houses and ultimately create entire cities that later be sold on the marketplace.
Join a new, virtual economy where you have the opportunity to make money in the metaverse. Start out by earning a return on your properties and collecting fees from visitors. Feeling ambitious? Flip some of your properties for profit in our free and open marketplace or generate income by becoming a business owner in MetaMoon.
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