시가총액 | |
24시간 거래량 | |
완전 희석된 시가 총액 | 906.03 B |
유통 중 | 895,723,571.00 |
총 공급 | 1,000,000,000.00 |
최대 공급량 | 1,000,000,000.00 |
주 | 월 | 년 | 전체 기간 | |
최고 |
20-11-2024 1.2064715236
11-11-2024 1.358701762247
11-01-2024 3.909478145166
20-08-2021 ₹5,730,800.59
최저 |
20-11-2024 1.15
05-11-2024 0.936897397532
07-09-2024 0.912162727789
19-06-2022 ₹5,628.29
번호 | 거래소 | 쌍 | 가격 | 스프레드 | 거래량 | 거래량% | 신뢰도 | 마지막 거래 | 신뢰도 점수 |
가격 | 시가총액 | 거래량 | 날짜 |
Lido is an Ethereum liquid staking tool. Lido allows users to stake their ETH - with no minimum deposits or infrastructure maintenance - while participating in on-chain activities, like lending, to compound rewards.
LDO is a native utility token that may be used for the following purposes:
Giving governance privileges to the Lido DAO.
Coordinating distribution and fee parameters.
Creating rules for adding and deleting Lido node operators.
Lido is a DAO that offers a liquid staking service for Ethereum 2.0, enabling users to receive staking rewards without managing staking infrastructure.
The following companies are participants of the Lido DAO: Semantic VC, ParaFi Capital, Libertus Capital, Terra, Bitscale Capital, StakeFish, StakingFacilities, Chorus, P2P Capital, and KR1. Several well-known angel investors have joined Lido, including Kain Warwick of Synthetix, Banteg of Yearn, Will Harborne of Deversifi, Julien Bouteloup of Stake Capital, and Stani Kulechov of Aave.
Individuals and organisations behind the Lido DAO have a track record of success in the DeFi area.
To know more about the Lido DAO price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!