시가총액 | |
24시간 거래량 | |
완전 희석된 시가 총액 | 906.03 B |
유통 중 | 828,091,256.00 |
총 공급 | 828,091,256.36 |
최대 공급량 | 978,064,789.00 |
주 | 월 | 년 | 전체 기간 | |
최고 |
27-11-2024 0.243589
27-11-2024 0.243589
26-03-2024 0.495680657841
20-11-2021 ₹5,730,800.59
최저 |
21-11-2024 0.20019638185
06-11-2024 0.153353199807
28-11-2023 0.127562015015
13-03-2020 ₹5,628.29
번호 | 거래소 | 쌍 | 가격 | 스프레드 | 거래량 | 거래량% | 신뢰도 | 마지막 거래 | 신뢰도 점수 |
가격 | 시가총액 | 거래량 | 날짜 |
The Swedish company Chromaway AB came up with the idea for Chromia, which is a public blockchain that is open source. In May of 2019, the Chroma token (CHR) came out. Chromia's blockchain is based on an older technology called "Postchain," which was developed by Chromaway AB for business clients.
Chromia is a Layer-1 blockchain that works on its own and a Layer-2 upgrade for Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum that is compatible with EVM. It is meant to improve existing dApps and make it possible to make next-generation dApps by making them scalable, better at handling data, and able to have flexible fee structures.
The blockchain uses a custom programming language called Rell and a unique architecture called relational blockchain. Rell is written in a way that is similar to SQL and works in a way that is similar to SQL. This lets developers use the security and immutability of blockchain while storing and working with data in a way that is similar to a relational database.
Each dApp on Chromia runs on its own sidechain, which is rooted in the main blockchain. This makes it easier for each app to grow and gives each app developer the freedom to choose between different fee structures. For example, one application could require users to pay transaction fees in CHR (similar to how Ethereum or Bitcoin work), while another application could stake enough CHR to reserve computational power and let users make as many transactions as they want without paying any fees at all.
To know more about the Chromia price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!
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