시가총액 | |
24시간 거래량 | |
완전 희석된 시가 총액 | 906.03 B |
유통 중 | 0.00 |
총 공급 | 9,610,239,403.00 |
최대 공급량 | 9,610,239,403.00 |
주 | 월 | 년 | 전체 기간 | |
최고 |
15-08-2024 0.977983547788
16-07-2024 4.6
12-07-2024 4.6
12-07-2024 ₹5,730,800.59
최저 |
23-11-2024 0.827579
23-11-2024 0.827579
23-11-2023 0.475253476736
22-11-2022 ₹5,628.29
번호 | 거래소 | 쌍 | 가격 | 스프레드 | 거래량 | 거래량% | 신뢰도 | 마지막 거래 | 신뢰도 점수 |
가격 | 시가총액 | 거래량 | 날짜 |
BitDAO is a decentralised autonomous organisation that wants to create a decentralised token economy so that everyone in the world has the same chances. This protocol is one of the newest and biggest autonomous organisations in the world that is focused on DeFi. It is run by people who own BIT tokens. One of the main goals of the initiative is to bring in talented developers through token swaps and co-development. With the help of the token swaps, the BitDAO treasury will be able to collect tokens from the best crypto projects. BitDAO's goal is to have open finance and a tokenized, decentralised economy. BitDAO wants to help many different kinds of projects, such as DeFi, DAOs, NFTs, and games. Help will come in the form of research and development, funding, and getting cash flow going quickly. BitDAO was not started by a single person. Instead, the project is run by a group of contributors who own BIT tokens. As a DAO, the protocol is not run by teams or companies. This means that different people can suggest changes to the BitDAO protocol, and it is up to the BIT holders (contributors) to vote on whether to accept or reject these proposed changes. To know more about the BitDao price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!