시가총액 | |
24시간 거래량 | |
완전 희석된 시가 총액 | 906.03 B |
유통 중 | 549,434,413.00 |
총 공급 | 999,900,004.00 |
최대 공급량 | 1,000,000,000.00 |
주 | 월 | 년 | 전체 기간 | |
최고 |
24-11-2024 0.200982
24-11-2024 0.200982
14-03-2024 0.548046587719
17-01-2022 ₹5,730,800.59
최저 |
29-10-2024 0.134174577128
27-10-2024 0.105174102586
23-11-2023 0.097509705404
19-10-2023 ₹5,628.29
번호 | 거래소 | 쌍 | 가격 | 스프레드 | 거래량 | 거래량% | 신뢰도 | 마지막 거래 | 신뢰도 점수 |
가격 | 시가총액 | 거래량 | 날짜 |
Aurora is a product that makes it easy for Ethereum users and decentralised apps (dApps) to switch to the NEAR blockchain. It lets users do two different things: upload Solidity smart contracts to the NEAR blockchain and interact with them, and move assets (including ERC-20 tokens) between Ethereum, NEAR, and Aurora using the Rainbow Bridge. Aurora's base token is ETH so that users can have the best experience and developers can use tools they already know. The AURORA token is a governance token that makes sure the protocol gets the right updates. Aurora is run by AuroraDAO, which is made up of blockchain industry representatives from different ecosystems and sectors. Dr. Alex Shevchenko is the CEO of Aurora Labs. He has a Ph.D. in physics and math, is an entrepreneur, has been interested in blockchain since 2015, built Bitfury's Exonum, and is a firm believer in blockchain scalability solutions. Arto Bendiken is the chief technology officer (CTO) of Aurora Labs. He is self-taught, a cypherpunk, an entrepreneur, and a prolific open-source author. He has worked as a software engineer for more than 20 years, for companies like the European Space Agency (ESA) and the U.S. Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR). To know more about the Aurora price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!