ローンチパッド | Gempad |
購入 XARK Now | Buy Here |
総供給量 数量 | 20,000,000.00 |
販売中のトークン | 2,520,000.00 |
供給量のパーセント | 12.60% |
ステージ | Privatesale |
資金調達目標 | 15,876,000 |
XARK IDO 価格 | 6.3 USDT |
1 USDT | 0.1587 |
ソフトキャップ | TBA |
ハードキャップ | TBA |
パーソナルキャップ | TBA |
XARK プロジェクト カテゴリ | Blockchain |
XARK 契約アドレス | NA |
ホワイトペーパー | Embark ホワイトペーパー |
ウェブサイト | Embark Website |
ソーシャルメディア |
About Embark | Initial Dex Offering
Embark Finance seeks to establish avenues for small and large capital owners to invest and share profits, as well as long-term opportunities to raise capital for projects and startups. Many people who actually use the products or services are unable to make investments. in these services for a variety of reasons, and they gain nothing from the expansion as well as revenue from these services that come from user engagement. For latest crypto IDO
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