ローンチパッド | NA |
購入 CARDA Now | Buy Here |
総供給量 数量 | 500,000,000.00 |
販売中のトークン | 62,500,000.00 |
供給量のパーセント | 12.50% |
ステージ | Privatesale |
資金調達目標 | 1,250,000 |
CARDA IDO 価格 | 0.02 USDT |
1 USDT | 50.0000 |
ソフトキャップ | TBA |
ハードキャップ | TBA |
パーソナルキャップ | TBA |
CARDA プロジェクト カテゴリ | MEME Token |
CARDA 契約アドレス | Animoca Brands Portfolio |
ホワイトペーパー | Cardanum ホワイトペーパー |
ウェブサイト | Cardanum Website |
ソーシャルメディア |
What is Cardanum | upcoming cryptocurrency initial coin offering
Decentralized Exchanges: No forms, no selfies. Easily trade cryptocurrency at any time.
NFT Marketplace: Cardanum gives you a simple method to keep all of your unique ERC721 and ERC1155 crypto NFTs and gaming assets in one location. Do you enjoy crypto NFTs We enjoy them as well. Save them all in your CARDA WALLET.
STAKING: Coin staking gives currency holders some network decision-making authority. By staking coins, you have the right to vote and earn money. That is very similar to receiving interest for keeping money in a bank account or sending it to the bank to invest.
Also read: Alaska Gold Rush | Upcoming nitial coin offering