YaySwap (YAY)
YaySwap (YAY)
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 100,000,000.00
Max Supply 0.00

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YaySwap News (Yay News)

YaySwap Chart (Yay Chart)

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YaySwap Price USD (Yay Price USD)

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Coin YaySwap
YaySwap Price Today (Yay Price Today)
YaySwap is the first hybrid DEX platform on the Cardano Blockchain that integrates both an Automated Market Maker and an order book.YaySwap is poised to become the go-to decentralized finance (DeFi) solution for smart-swaps in Cardano. Our unique technology will allow traders to effortlessly execute smart contract-based trades at a fraction of the cost of similar services provided by other decentralized exchanges while safely trading digital assets. Also read: Yayo Coin Yayo Price USD
暗号に関するよくある質問 (FAQ)
The current price of YaySwap (YAY) is USD 0.00100155
24 Hours, High Price of YaySwap (YAY) is USD 0 and Low price of YaySwap (YAY) is USD 0
The total supply of YaySwap (YAY) is 100000000 and Circulating supply of YaySwap (YAY) is 0.00
The trading volume of YaySwap (YAY) is 97 In the last 24 hours