時価総額 | |
24時間の取引高 | |
完全希薄化評価額 | 906.03 B |
循環供給 | 39,036,259.00 |
総供給量 | 39,036,259.00 |
最大供給量 | 452,552,412.00 |
週 | 月 | 年 | 全期間 | |
高値 |
13-11-2024 0.343099998169
10-11-2024 0.360490453745
05-06-2024 1.023856395429
12-04-2021 ₹5,730,800.59
安値 |
23-11-2024 0.27975
01-11-2024 0.222744266737
24-12-2023 0.140192846313
09-12-2022 ₹5,628.29
番号 | 取引所 | ペア | 価格 | スプレッド | 取引量 | 取引量% | 信頼度 | 最終取引 | 信頼スコア |
価格 | 時価総額 | 取引量 | 日付 |
MaidSafeCoin is a proxy token that helps the SAFE Network grow and lets you buy its native currency, Safe Network Tokens, ahead of time. When the Network is finished, MaidSafeCoins can be exchanged for Safe Network Tokens one for one. Both the Omni protocol (MAID) and the Ethereum ERC20 protocol can be used to get MaidSafeCoin (eMAID). The SAFE Network uses the extra space on everyday Internet-connected devices to create a layer of autonomous data networking. This layer makes it possible for people to communicate and store information in a way that protects their privacy and does not require a central server. It's meant to give people full control over their personal data while still letting software platforms, business solutions, and user experiences be built on top that are rich and scalable. The SAFE Network also gives people and businesses the chance to be financially stable by trading their resources, products, content, and creativity without the need for middlemen. This is made possible in large part by a flexible and highly effective economic system based on Digital Bearer Certificates, which also paves the way for a new generation of crypto currency technologies. MaidSafe is the company that created the SAFE Network and its protocol. Engineer David Irvine started the project, and a team from Scotland started working on it in 2006. In 2014, there was a round of crowdfunding, and MaidSafeCoin came out of it. To know more about the MaidSafeCoin price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!