時価総額 | |
24時間の取引高 | |
完全希薄化評価額 | 906.03 B |
循環供給 | 170,152,851.00 |
総供給量 | 239,482,579.13 |
最大供給量 | 252,301,550.00 |
週 | 月 | 年 | 全期間 | |
高値 |
24-11-2024 0.624579
24-11-2024 0.624579
15-03-2024 1.123976454042
29-04-2022 ₹5,730,800.59
安値 |
18-10-2024 0.454997319877
04-10-2024 0.424533069423
06-08-2024 0.360367
05-08-2024 ₹5,628.29
番号 | 取引所 | ペア | 価格 | スプレッド | 取引量 | 取引量% | 信頼度 | 最終取引 | 信頼スコア |
価格 | 時価総額 | 取引量 | 日付 |
Kyber Network is a collection of liquidity protocols that bring together liquidity from different sources to make transactions on any decentralised app safe and quick (DApp). Kyber Network's main goal is to make it easy for DeFi DApps, decentralised exchanges (DEXs), and other users to connect to liquidity pools that offer the best rates. All transactions on Kyber are on-chain, which means that any Ethereum block explorer can easily verify them. Projects can build on top of Kyber to take advantage of all the services the protocol offers, such as instant settlement of tokens, liquidity aggregation, and a business model that can be changed. Kyber wants to fix the liquidity problem in the decentralised finance (DeFi) industry by letting developers build products and services without having to worry about liquidity for different needs. The Kyber Network Crystal (KNC) token is a utility token that acts as the "glue" that connects all of the different parties in Kyber's ecosystem. KNC holders can stake their tokens in the KyberDAO to help run the platform and vote on important proposals. They can also earn staking rewards in Ethereum (ETH), which come from trading fees. To know more about the Kyber Network Crystal price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!