時価総額 | |
24時間の取引高 | |
完全希薄化評価額 | 906.03 B |
循環供給 | 82,301,961.00 |
総供給量 | 100,000,000.00 |
最大供給量 | 100,000,000.00 |
週 | 月 | 年 | 全期間 | |
高値 |
25-11-2024 0.01889992
01-08-2024 0.02175533907
12-03-2024 0.059198203813
21-11-2021 ₹5,730,800.59
安値 |
23-08-2024 0.017096101592
08-08-2024 0.015908167024
08-08-2024 0.015908167024
18-11-2021 ₹5,628.29
番号 | 取引所 | ペア | 価格 | スプレッド | 取引量 | 取引量% | 信頼度 | 最終取引 | 信頼スコア |
価格 | 時価総額 | 取引量 | 日付 |
KROM is an ERC20 token that can't be mined and has a fixed number of 100 million tokens. The way KROM's token economy works is meant to cause prices to go down. The Kromatika Finance Dapp's utility token is KROM. Kromatika Finance is a decentralised trading protocol that lets crypto traders place limit orders by taking advantage of Uniswap v3's powerful concentrated liquidity feature. This alone makes it a useful decentralised application (Dapp), but the real innovation is the ability to trade without swap fees, price slippage, or the risk of bot attacks. Kromatika Finance Dapp's limit order feature costs a service fee, which is paid for with KROM. This means that if you use KROM tokens, you not only get access to very profitable limit orders on the DEX, but you also make more money on every trade because of the new way liquidity is provided. A powerful MetaSwap Aggregator is also part of Kromatika Finance Dapp. This platform brings together the liquidity of many DEXs and compares swap data from Uniswap, 0xProject, and 1inch. This lets users make better trades than they could on a single DEX by optimising token prices, swap fees, and slippage. To know more about the Kromatika price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!