時価総額 | |
24時間の取引高 | |
完全希薄化評価額 | 906.03 B |
循環供給 | 27,027,128,226.00 |
総供給量 | 100,000,000,000.00 |
最大供給量 | 100,000,000,000.00 |
週 | 月 | 年 | 全期間 | |
高値 |
17-11-2024 0.000209147675
24-10-2024 0.000299198762
15-12-2023 0.001354816064
17-02-2022 ₹5,730,800.59
安値 |
22-11-2024 0.00017831
22-11-2024 0.00017831
22-11-2024 0.00017831
22-11-2024 ₹5,628.29
番号 | 取引所 | ペア | 価格 | スプレッド | 取引量 | 取引量% | 信頼度 | 最終取引 | 信頼スコア |
価格 | 時価総額 | 取引量 | 日付 |
The Metahero ecosystem has a metaverse called Everdome. Ultra-HD avatars and scanned objects from the real world will interact in the Everdome metaverse, which will be the place where Metahero's tech can interact and grow. So, Everdome wants to make a web3 experience that is everywhere and has graphics that are so real that they knock people off their feet. The Everdome metaverse wants to take advantage of the growing popularity of metaverses, which has attracted companies like Facebook, Microsoft, and Nike. The project wants people all over the world to use the metaverse for socialising, playing games, doing business, and other things. It also thinks that the way land is made in the metaverse will be similar to how it is made in the real world, with high prices for land that is in high demand. Everdome's idea of a "hyper-realistic" metaverse is for it to become a rare and valuable option. Robert Gryn, who is the youngest self-made entrepreneur in Poland to make the Forbes Top 100, started Everdome. As the former CEO of Codewise, which was Europe's second-fastest growing company, Gryn's goal is to help speed up the process of blockchain technology becoming widely used. He has a team of 25 people who help him. These people have experience in many different fields, such as tech startups, music and entertainment, coding, blockchain, and more. To know more about the Everdome price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!