時価総額 | |
24時間の取引高 | |
完全希薄化評価額 | 906.03 B |
循環供給 | 11,000,763,385.00 |
総供給量 | 13,654,117,437.06 |
最大供給量 | 0.00 |
週 | 月 | 年 | 全期間 | |
高値 |
24-11-2024 0.00329567
14-08-2024 0.003406580618
11-03-2024 0.007215613927
10-02-2022 ₹5,730,800.59
安値 |
04-09-2024 0.002686294786
04-09-2024 0.002686294786
16-07-2024 0.00262306
16-07-2024 ₹5,628.29
番号 | 取引所 | ペア | 価格 | スプレッド | 取引量 | 取引量% | 信頼度 | 最終取引 | 信頼スコア |
価格 | 時価総額 | 取引量 | 日付 |
Concordium is a public, permissionless, layer one blockchain that is led by companies like Volvo, IKEA, Credit Suisse, and more. So far, it has raised 52M EUR and partnered with Geely, a global automaker that owns a part of Volvo Cars, Volvo AB, and Daimler. Concordium encrypts the ID of every on-chain transaction. This makes the encrypted ID a part of the ID credentials that smart contracts can use while still protecting privacy. But why is ID so important? In the next 10 years, everyone and every business will use decentralised services to check nearly everything on the blockchain. Modern pioneers are trying to build for Web3 to be used by a large number of people, but they need trust for this to work. We need to know who the other person is when we're online dating, playing games, or trading. With a built-in ID layer, people and businesses will be able to verify each other with confidence while staying anonymous. This will allow safe transactions on the first blockchain, which will open the door to a global economy worth trillions of dollars. By using zero-knowledge proofs, Concordium can give users complete privacy and accountability while they use the blockchain. Rollbacks can't happen with Concordium because it has a unique finality layer. The platform's native coin, CCD, is used to pay transaction fees, stake, reward node operators, and as collateral/settlement medium for Concordium's DeFi landscape. To know more about the Concordium price prediction, install the top cryptocurrency app CoinGabbar today!